Besides our unique stock collection Vivant also provides customized solutions. From small personal wishes like a brand name on ribbon to bespoke products and total concepts. Our team gives professional advice and develops your ideas into the right design. Have you become curious? Here are some cool examples.

Bespoke packaging examples

Cartonnage and flower paper

Have you seen a beautiful dessin in one of our collections? This can easily be processed on a desired product. Think for example of luxury boxes, bags, wrapping paper or branded water repellent flower paper. If you prefer a different design that is completely in line with your brand or company, this is of course also possible! We listen carefully to your wishes and translate them into beautiful design proposals especially for you. From drawings or logos provided by the customer to newly created prints and packaging. We do it all!

We love chocolate!

Do you need a new packaging for chocolates or other sweets? We like to think together and even work out a whole concept for you. Logos on ribbons, different sizes of boxes or bags and advice on the most suitable and beautiful materials. We create with and for you. In between, we take care of good communication, so we achieve the best result.

Bespoke packaging examples

Packaging according to corporate identity

Are you enthusiastic about our products, but does the packaging not match the corporate identity? Adjustments are possible. This could be a different kind of paper such as brown craft for a header card, a different font on a label that fits better or, for example, a different layout for a ribbon. Let us know your wishes and we will look at the possibilities.

It’s all about identity to make a difference.

Want to know more about these products or interested in interested in more bespoke examples? Contact us or take a look at our Webshop, InstagramPinterest and Facebook.

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